Gulf Stream Climatology

Gulf Stream mean and annual cycle from Spray underwater glider measurements

gulf stream climatology example plot


Three-dimensional estimates of the time-mean and annual cycle of temperature, salinity, density, and velocity derived from Spray glider observations in and near the Gulf Stream along the US East Coast.

Date Range

2015-07-16 to 2023-05-30.

Cite this Dataset

Todd, R. E. & Ren, A. S. (2023), Gulf Stream mean and annual cycle from Spray underwater glider measurements [Data set]. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Instrument Development Group,

Associated Publications

Todd, R. E., A.S. Ren (2023), Warming and lateral shift of the Gulf Stream from in situ observations since 2001. Nature Climate Change.


  • Robert E. Todd, ORCID=0000-0002-6854-7729, [Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution]
  • Alice S. Ren, ORCID=0000-0002-2059-4198, [Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution]

Source Data

The underlying observations for this data product are from the Gliders in the Gulf Stream project and the PEACH project.

Year of Dataset Publication



Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing (GOMO) Program, the Office of Naval Research, Eastman Chemical Company, and Woods Hole Oceanographc Institution.


For questions and inquiries about this dataset contact the lead creator Robert Todd at For data access inquiries please contact Jenn Sevadjian the data distributor at

Data Access

The data are represented as two collections, one for the annual cycle product and another for the mean product. Choose between directly accessing the NetCDF files or using ERDDAP to refine, subset and export the data into a variety of format options.

Annual Cycle