Mid-Atlantic Bight SWOT

The MAB-SWOT project was a part of the ‘Adopt-A-Crossover’ Consortium (swot-adac.org) that sought to capitalize on the rapid-repeat calibration/validation (CalVal) phase of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite mission. MAB-SWOT focused on the SWOT crossover offshore of the East Coast of the US. In addition to Spray gliders, the MAB-SWOT array included CPIESs, HF radars, and moored sensors. Gliders were primarily tasked with station keeping in coordination with the array of CPIES.

MAR - JUL 2023

Temperature, Salinity, Chlorophyll, Currents, Acoustic Backscatter

  • Region: Cape Hatteras
  • PI(s): Robert E. Todd
  • Funded by: NASA

Science Quality Binned Project Data

Cleaned, post-processed and vertically binned to meet user needs

Access Options

Data are available in CF compliant NetCDF files and are also available via our ERDDAP server which offers additional file types, data subsetting, visualization options and more.


MAR 2023 - JUL 2023

Project Dataset Processing

  • Averaged to 10-m vertical bins
  • Vertical binning improves ease of use
  • The 10-m bins allow for easy integration of ADCP acoustic backscatter and velocity data
  • Filtered using QC flags
  • Only high-quality data are represented in each bin

Science Quality Full Resolution Data

Science quality data are also available in unbinned full-resolution format in delayed mode after each mission is complete. Binned project data are provided to meet most user needs but the underlying higher-resolution data are also available. We refer to these as the science-quality full-resolution mission data. This data product offers the same delayed-mode quality control as the binned project files but the data have not been vertically binned.

These files may be appropriate when detailed vertical resolution is needed. The full-resolution data are more complicated to work with as each profile and observation is heterogenous in four dimensions. If higher resolution is not required, for ease of use, we encourage using the binned project data instead.

How to Cite

When using this dataset, please cite the data as:

Todd, R. E. (2024). Spray glider observations in support of MAB-SWOT. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Instrument Development Group. [Dataset]. https://doi.org/10.21238/S8PP8C