Access Data

Spray glider data can be accessed with a variety of services, tools, interactive maps and portals.

csv file Logo
netcdf file Logo
matlab file Logo
esri file Logo
google earth file Logo

Access Data By Project

Spray glider data are available for projects spanning the globe over the last 20 years.

Sustained gliders in oceanic boundary currents offer real-time data. Post-processed data are available for all projects and some projects also have custom products.

Visit our overview page to learn more about the range of projects. Individual project pages offer access to all the data options available.

Data Processing Levels

Spray data are available with different levels of processing to meet diverse user needs.

Level 2

Real-time data has basic quality control processing applied to it and is the most raw data product available. The best place to access this data is the National Glider Data Assembly Center (GDAC).

a contour plot example of near real time glider data

Level 3

Delayed mode, rigorously quality controlled data are processed after each glider deployment. These data are cleaned, post-processed and vertically binned to meet most users' data needs.

Data are available in NetCDF files and via ERDDAP.

Projects SprayData ERDDAP
A contour plot of Level 3 data from the line 90 timeseries

Level 4

By compiling data over many years we make products like climatologies, anomalies, ocean transport and kinetic energy estimates.

Climatology, anomaly and index products are available for the California Underwater Glider Network project. Kinetic energy estimates are available for the Gliders in the Gulf Stream project and ocean transport calculations are available for the Solomon Sea project.

Example plot of level 4 data, a CA climatology plot

Data Standards

Open Data Sharing

We are committed to timely, open access to our data following FAIR principles: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

Storage and Archiving

Enabling use and reuse of the data by providing data, metadata, documentation, and publishing methods and algorithms.

Data Publishing

Data are publicly-available via community-established data formats and services.