Consortium on the Ocean's Role in Climate
CORC (Consortium on the Ocean's Role in Climate) has been making observations of the California Current system with moorings since 2008. In support of these mooring deployments, gliders serve as data shuttles to communicate with the underwater mooring gear, as well as collect additional data near or between moorings.
These gliders are operated by PI U. Send, and are in addition to repeat glider sections by PI D. Rudnick in the same general area. Data reported here are temperature, salinity, and column-average currents based on lateral glider displacement between dives.
Time Span
Temperature, Salinity, Currents
- Region: California coast (Pacific)
- PI: Uwe Send
- Funded by: Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing (GOMO) Program - NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce Grant NA15OAR4320071
Science Quality Binned Project Data
Cleaned, post-processed and vertically binned to meet user needs
Project Dataset Processing
- Averaged to 10-m vertical bins
- Vertical binning improves ease of use
- The 10-m bins allow for easy integration of ADCP acoustic backscatter and velocity data
- Filtered using QC flags
- Only high-quality data are represented in each bin
How to Cite
When using this dataset, please cite the data as:
Send, U. (2018). Spray glider data in support of mooring observations from the CORC project in the California Current starting 2007 [Data set]. Instrument Development Group, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. doi: 10.21238/S8SPRAY8857